I mostly write on, but now that this website is ready, I might switch over or have a healthy mix. I'm planning on setting up a newsletter some time soon, but until then, keep an eye on this page for new articles.
Making a full body background "slideshow" for your web page
If you are a business with a landing page, having a slideshow of images as a background of that page...
Page scroll progress bars
You must have seen this on blogs, or articles of other kinds (what's the difference again?)....
Vintage photo effect with CSS
If you, like me, were born in the eighties, you have probably spent some time going through old...
The thing about setTimeout...
(This post is part 2 of the series I'm writing about non-intuitive things in JavaScript. The first...
A table with a fixed (sticky) header
Often, we come across situations where we have a table with lots of data in it. So when we scroll, th...
Drawer navigation menu using CSS and Vue JS
One of the things that I have found impressive in mobile apps is the drawer that opens from the side...
React Jumpstart for the VueJS developer (Part 1)
Edit (31 July 2023): Some of this is now outdated, especially how to scaffold and run Vue/React...
Cool things you can do with ::before and ::after
It's nice to know about the pseudo-elements ::before and ::after, because there's a whole lot of...
Making sliding tabs in React Native
Sliding tab bars are used in the Facebook app, so I was thinking, why not try to do the same in React...
How to return a value from an asynchronous function (JavaScript)
Consider the following code. Suppose, you have a function, and what you want it to do is return a...
Is anything truly empty?
I decided to write this series because there are parts of JavaScript that feel right, but aren't. Or...
Animated underline on hover (pure CSS)
I'm sure you have seen the design principle being used on many of the modern websites. There's a set...