BlogMaking a full body background "slideshow" for your web page

Making a full body background "slideshow" for your web page

8/11/2023, 11:05:39 AM
html css javascript slideshow

(Originally posted on

If you are a business with a landing page, having a slideshow of images as a background of that page can lend a lot of character to it. It can serve as the right accent for the other content you have in the foreground, not to mention it's a lot more fulfilling and enriching (at least to me) to see background images rather than a plain, solid background.

Back in the days of nascence of HTML, and before CSS took over the styling department, we would do this with the background property of the body tag, like we used to use bgcolor to set background colors. At the time of writing this, both of these attributes are deprecated and possibly awaiting removal ( That historical note aside, here's how we would assign a background image to a web page. We do that by styling the whole body tag.

body {
  background-color: #222; /* to server as "filler" */
  color: #fff;
  font-family: "Fredericka the Great", serif;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  height: 100vh;
  background-position: center;
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
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  1. Fredericka the Great is a Google Font, which I have included separately through a link tag inside the head section.
  2. You'll see that I am manually setting the margin to zero. This is because on most browsers, the body tag is rendered with a default margin of 8px.

Also, I feel like this is an important time to point out that what I am building is not technically a slideshow, as in, there will be no sliding transition, rather a fading one (we'll soon see how). Regardless, I promise it'll still look cool.

First, let's store the image URLs in an array like so:

const images = [
    // URLs
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Next, let's add the necessary JavaScript code to load the images.

The first image can be loaded as = `url(${images[0]})`
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Now, we can load the remaining images in loop, with the setInterval function:

let i = 1
setInterval(() => { = `url(${images[i++]})`

  if (i === images.length) i = 0
}, 7000)
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Finally, we add the following transition to the CSS of the body tag:

transition: background-image 1s;
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This is fine for the most part, but if we want a more seamless transition, we can add a preloading trick with a hidden image tag. The idea is to load the next image silently in the background, so your browser can rest easy when the next image is actually displayed, giving the user the perception of instantaneous loading. So we add a new HTML tag and style it so -

<img class="hidden" alt="preloading" />
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.hidden {
  display: none;
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The code to complement the above would be somewhat like this -

document.querySelector('.hidden').src = images[next_image_index]
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Putting it all together, the whole JavaScript code looks like this -

window.onload = () => {
  // preloading = `url(${images[0]})`
  document.querySelector('.hidden').src = images[1]
  let i = 1
  setInterval(() => { = `url(${images[i++]})`

    if (i === images.length) i = 0
    else {
      // preload the next image, so that it transitions smoothly
      document.querySelector('.hidden').src = images[i]
  }, 7000)
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And as always, here's the sandbox. Enjoy!

Note that this is just one way of preloading images. The <link rel="preload" ...> tag, if present in the HTML, will also do the same. Also, some modern frameworks like Next.js feature auto-preloading of some assets.
